
Greg Abbott
Texas Governor
“Sen. Kolkhorst has backed the blue, secured funds to stop illegal immigration, protected our seniors & ensured Texas remains the best place to live, work & raise a family.”

Dan Patrick
Texas Lt. Governor
“Senator Lois Kolkhorst had one of the most comprehensive committee assignments and heaviest workloads in the Texas Senate. She deserves re-election for her outstanding work and conservative leadership. I ask that you join me in supporting Senator Lois Kolkhorst.”

Glenn Hegar
Texas Comptroller
“Through the years in the House and Senate, Lois and I have worked together and battled for our area. She has more heart than almost anyone I’ve ever met in all my life. She will give you every single ounce that she has! She is someone who I’m proud to support, endorse and help in any shape, form or fashion. She is someone who I’ve known for so long. She is someone who will fight hard every single day, time and time again for Senate District 18. That’s why I’m supporting and endorsing my good friend, Lois Kolkhorst.”

Rick Perry
Former Secretary of Energy
“As a hard-working small business owner, Lois Kolkhorst knows the importance of limiting government’s influence on the private sector and understands how to balance budgets. I am proud to support Lois Kolkhorst’s candidacy for the Texas Senate and I am confident in her ability to help keep Texas the nation’s economic engine and model for conservative government.”
Senator Kolkhorst has earned many endorsements and awards for her years of service and results, including:
- Texas Association of Business
- Life PAC
- National Federation of Independent Business
- Political Action Committee for Engineers (PACE)
- Texas State Rifle Assn.
- National Rifle Assn.
- Texas Trucking Assn.
- Texas Values Action
- The C Club of Houston
- Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers
- Texas Medical Association
- Texas Farm Bureau
- Texas Assn. of Builders
- Texas Apartment Association
- Combined Law Enforcement Assn. of Texas CLEAT
- Department of Public Safety Officers Assn.
- Texas Society of Anesthesiologists
- Texas Association of Realtors
- Texas Humane Network
- Pro-Life Texans
- Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
- Houston Region Business Coalition
- Fort Bend Business Coalition
- Governor Abbott
- Former Governor Perry
- Lt. Governor Patrick
- Comptroller Hegar

Senator Kolkhorst is honored to have received numerous awards from organizations and associations across the state and nation for her tireless efforts, including:
- Conservation Hero Award - Texas Wildlife Association
- Legislative Champion Award - Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
- Champion of Transparency - Texas Press Association
- Person of the Year - Texas Ports Association
- Champion for the Children Award - Texas CASA
- Chamber Award - Greater Magnolia Parkway Chamber
- Texas Luminary Award - Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute
- Champion of Free Enterprise Award - Texas Business Assn.
- Legislator of the Year Award - PART Families of SSLC
- Torch Bearer Award - TORCH Rural Hospital Assn.
- Buccaneer Award - Blinn College Alumni Letterman's Assn
- Person of the Year - Blinn Ex-Students Assn.
- Faithful Leader Award - Texas Values
- Children's Healthcare Hero Award - Children's Hospital Assn.
- Legislator of the Year Award - Texas Assn. of Physician Assistants
- Woman of Distinction Award - Girl Scouts of Central Texas
- Legislator of the Year Award - Sheriff's Association of Texas
- Excellence in Patient Advocacy Award - Texas Dental Association
- Wisdom Award - Texas Dental Association
- Friend of the Extension Award - Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service
- Legislative Champion Award - Texas Pharmacy Association
- Honorary Member of Matagorda Bay Pilots of Port Lavaca
- Legislative Appreciation Award- Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas
- Super Hero Award - Texans for Vaccine Choice
- Legislative Appreciation Award -American Legion Department of Texas
- Legislative Award - Texas Civil Justice League
- Legislative Achievement Award - AARP
- Legislative Award - Texas Healthcare Association
- Legislative Award - Texas Right to Life
- Honorary Life Member, South Texas Property Rights Assn.
- Legislator of the Year Award - Texas Assn. of College Teachers
- Friend of Education Award - SHSU College of Education
- Legislative Award - Waller County Child Welfare Board
- Appreciation Award - Indo American Conservatives of Texas
- Friend of County Government Award - Texas Association of Counties
- Appreciation Award - Wallis Chamber of Commerce
- White Hat Award - Family to Family Disability Rights Network
- Star of Texas Award - TURF Texans United for Reform and Freedom
- Champion of Longterm Care Award - Texas Healthcare Assn.
- Legislative Appreciation Award - City of Rockport
- Legislative Star Award - Texas Public Employees Assn.
- Appreciation Award - UT Southwestern Medical Center
- Champion Award - Boys & Girls Clubs of Texas
- Family and Freedom Award - Texas Eagle Forum
- Legislator of the Year Award - Texas Nurse Practitioners
- Person of the Year - Texas County Agriculture Agents Assn.
- Chamption for the Children Award - Amerigroup Foundation
- Legislative Award - Texas Nurses Association
- Appreciation Award - HEARTS Veterans Museum
- Appreciation Award - Victoria County Sheriff's Office
- Legislative Award - UTMB School of Nursing
- Legislator of the Year Award - Texas Assn. of Benefit Administrators
- Legislator of the Year Award - Texas Assn. of Local Health Officials
- Appreciation Award - Texas Library Assn.
- Conservative Achievement Award - American Conservative Union Foundation CPAC
- Champions Award - Independent Therapy Providers Assn.
- Legislator of the Year Award - Assn. of Rural Communities of Texas
- Advocacy in Action Award - American Cancer Society
- Advocacy Award - Texas Hosptial Association
- Appreciation Award - Texas Retired Teachers Assn.
- Appreciation Award - Prairie View A&M College of Agriculture and Human Sciences
- Friend of the Children Award - United Way of Texas
- Legislative Appreciation Award - Texas A&M System
- Lawmaker of the Year Award - Texas Dental Hygienists Assn.
- Heart of Honor Award - American Heart Association
- The SAMMY Award - Sam Houston State University Alumni
- Appreciation Award - Texas State Farm Insurance Agents
- Advocacy Award - Houston Retired Firefighters Assn.
- S.M. True Agriculture Champion Award - Texas Farm Bureau